For the first time in months, i actually passed and aced in an AMaths test. For the first time in a year, actually.
I remember the only thing i did was to stare at my paper in disbelief, and suddenly there was this sense in me that i couldn't even control. Tell me, which idiot gets so happy after getting her results for a test? Hey, you've got me. imma idiot OHMY! D:
Okay, so it wasn't full marks. you think i can jump from a failure to full marks? impossible la haha. I'm emmafung afterall HAHA. maths cmi you know -.-
18/20 actually [and it might just be the first and last time i'd be telling you my amaths marks you know]. I wonder why I got it actually. Plain luck maybe, since I remember myself doing some other stuff the night before. Or maybe maths tuition really helps ^_^ okay whatever i don't want to evaluate factors.
But well, the class did very well anyway, so congratulations to 4L yay! :D
NO OFFENCE TO ANYBODY OKAY! even if you didn't do that well its okay, since even emma can pass, you can get full marks yay!
felicia's table was dragged out of the class this morning and there were loads of presents underneath, hope you like my present anyway ^_^ her camera is something to die for! her bear too! hahaha.
i can't even remember anything else that happened in the day.
We did OSCAR test for career, and i got EXACTLY what i wanted.
well, except the hairstylist part -.-
i'm Creative Social Administrative
here's those jobs that matches with what i've already had in mind!
so yup, i can be a childcare assistant [YAY! that's when i retire!], interior designer, graphic designer, art teacher, music teacher, kindergarten teacher
and others;
author, artist, health promotion executive, playwright, visual merchandiser for arts and display.
but i think its cool to be a scientist too 8)
what else? went around with cindy and kaiying after school and we ate lunch and crapped alot alot. Teenage magazine is lame. the only thing i read is dear kelly, i remember i used to want to write in and pretend:[i don't have time] "i'm being sexually harrassed, i hate my family, my friends bully me, i want to die, my bf broke up with me, i got raped in the toilet, i'm depressed, i think i'm ugly."
its not like i think these problems are funny, they're not. its just that...the dear kelly section is really retarded. I'll actually take pity on them if the problems sounded more real. -_-
like, the title says something like hairy problems, and then this guy starts with "i think im' pretty handsome" D:
maths remedial was spent doing a maths test which i screwed. emma can't do trigo for nuts ^_^
after that i went home with CINDY THE FLAMINGO, kaiying MY PANGSAI SISTER and rayseen the RAISIN. they're so crappy OMG, and there's something wrong with my english. i need english tuition. don't understand? refer to rayseen's tag o.O
hi cindy, MEOW, MEOW, MEOW!
hi kaiying, WOOF, WOOF, WOOF!
hi rayseen, YOU LAMER! hahahaha
i'm lazy to put in any funny conversations, just..meow meow meow meow meow! ^_^
and then i went to buy valentine's gifts! I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO VALENTINES' DAY! :D
i'm not telling what i'll be giving! HAHA
11feb the rest in previous post
isabel: all of a sudden i feel like tagging with emma's name.. XD
isabel: like..
emma: haha i like wierd sculptures with wierd stuff on them at the museum!

isabel: seriously. im sorry, emma, but i cant appreciate these stuff like you do.. *giggles*
isabel: self amusement is fun, isnt it?
{lame shit -__- yeah la cause it looks like porn? hmm, i don't find it oO}
Jas: eh emma... trust me, it isnt too hard to get an A for geog. my sch isnt a sap sch and we've got 88% of the students getting distinction for my yr. Just make sure u memorise the bk. hahaz
{haha okay i'll mug hard, this time never really mug hard enough D: woah! and your olevels damn pro leh auntie jas! i mean jas jiejie HAHA}
ray: SEEEE-LECT!haha the flaMANGO doesn't worth it-.-(:
{SEEEE-LECT your head D: i like flaBEARS more ): and i think its very worth it ^^}
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